Supporting communities

We power communities,
communities power us

Ontario Power Generation (OPG) operates in every corner of the province. As part of our core values, we strive to be an engaged, productive member of every one of these communities. From public safety and environmental restoration, to youth outreach, local fundraisers, and Indigenous scholarships, OPG is lifting up our communities. Our power is a force for good.

Members of OPG's nuclear security team at a monitoring station.

Keeping communities safe is priority #1

With 66 hydro stations, 239 dams, and two nuclear stations, safety is OPG’s top priority. Learn how we are helping to educate the public and pursuing a safety-first culture across the province.

Territorial acknowledgment

Ontario is treaty territory. The province as we know it would not exist without the treaties, which set out the relationship between Indigenous peoples and the provincial and federal governments, and provide companies like OPG the ability to operate. By acknowledging the traditional Indigenous territories upon which OPG’s facilities are located, we are honouring the treaties and respecting the rights of Indigenous partners.

Protecting wild spaces and local wildlife

OPG understands the importance of natural ecosystems to local communities and works with our partners to protect habitats and preserve vulnerable wildlife populations.

The Power for Change Project volunteers

The Power for Change Program

OPG believes our power can help change the world, and not just by electrifying economies. This program was designed to give back to Ontario and to the communities where we operate, to help build a cleaner, more sustainable future for generations to come. 

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