What’s involved with refurbishment?

Executing a mega-project

Refurbishing a nuclear reactor to provide another generation’s worth of clean power is a big job – and safety is paramount. Discover the many steps that Ontario Power Generation (OPG) is taking to refurbish each of the four nuclear reactors at our Darlington Nuclear Generating Station – from shutdown and disassembly, to rebuild and restart.

Refurbishment facts

jobs per year created

billion in economic benefits for Ontario

equivalent of taking 2M cars off the road every year to 2055

end fittings, with 960 feeder tubes each

pressure tubes containing the fuel bundles, per reactor

of expenditures are within Ontario

Darlington Refurbishment step-by-step

Each one of Darlington’s four reactors will go through the following steps.

Nuclear power plants in Canada are subject to oversight and regular licence renewal by the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC). At various stages throughout the Darlington Refurbishment project, OPG must file reports to receive approval from the CNSC. In order to advance one of Canada’s largest clean energy projects, OPG must meet the following standards:

Environmental assessment

OPG undertook an Environmental Assessment (EA) for the refurbishment and continued operation of our Darlington reactors. The CNSC agreed there would be no significant adverse environmental effects given available mitigation actions.

Integrated Safety Review

Darlington’s Integrated Safety Review (ISR) confirms the plant meets modern codes and standards, and uses industry best practices.

This ISR helps determine that adequate arrangements are in place to maintain plant safety for long-term operation.

Global Assessment Report

A Global Assessment Report (GAR) is an overall risk judgment on the acceptability of continued plant operations.

Darlington’s GAR confirms the plant is safe and reliable, and our planned safety improvements will ensure this.

Strict oversight 

Two independent oversight organizations were established for Darlington’s refurbishment: one reports to the Project Executive and the OPG Board of Directors; and the other reports to the Ontario Ministry of Energy and Northern Development and Mines.


Disconnecting one of our Darlington Nuclear reactors from Ontario’s power grid, through a process also known as “breaker open,” marks the beginning of a reactor refurbishment. But shutting down a reactor is not just a matter of pulling the plug.

Workers must first remove fuel and heavy water from the reactor to ensure it’s separated from the rest of the station.


The first major step in this phase involves using remote-controlled tooling to remove nuclear fuel from the reactor.

Fuel is removed using “flow defuelling,” a process that uses heat transport coolant moving over the nuclear fuel bundles to help push them into the fuelling machine for safe removal.

It takes extraordinary planning and preparation to ensure the defuelling process is completed safely while we continue to operate Darlington’s three other units at full power.

After the reactor is completely defuelled, workers drain the heavy water from the reactor and heat transport system, transferring it to safe storage.


With the fuel and heavy water removed, the unit undergoing refurbishment must be separated from the operating plant through a system of controls and physical barriers – a process known as islanding.

This allows the unit to be refurbished safely and efficiently while minimizing impact on the operating station.

Islanding includes the installation of 16 bulkhead panels, each weighing in at about 5,443 kg or 12,000 lbs.

Separating the refurbished unit from the rest of the station allows OPG to open both airlock doors safely, enabling workers and parts to pass through them easily and efficiently.

Specialization and safety for shut down

After safely shutting down the reactor through a process that includes defuelling and islanding (separating the unit from the operating station), workers begin the complex task of disassembling the unit.

Disassembling a reactor is complex work involving specialized tooling that is mostly remote-controlled by skilled workers. The operating system is similar to a video game joystick and digital display.

This specialized tooling, which is mounted on automated work platforms, can move up and down, and side-to-side to perform work anywhere across the face of the reactor, on any of the 480 fuel channels.

Using this specialized tooling on the work platforms, workers remove fuel channel components including feeder tubes, end fittings, pressure tubes, and calandria tubes.

Materials removed from the reactor are transferred to the Re-tube Waste Processing Building – a facility built specifically for the refurbishment project to compress materials, where possible, and sort them for safe storage or disposal.


After inspecting the inside of the calandria, workers move on to ensure the holes (or bores) in the tube sheets, through which fuel channels are fed and secured, are free of any minor imperfections that would prevent a proper seal.

Unlike during unit disassembly, workers perform most of this work on the reactor face directly rather than by remote control.

Calandria tube installation

Workers next install the calandria tubes and at this time, they also replace any bellows assemblies that need to be changed. The bellows, made of nickel-chromium alloy strips, help reduce horizontal movement between the fuel channel and the reactor end shields caused by temperature changes, and seal the space between the pressure and calandria tubes.

Fuel channel assembly

Fuel channels have a critical role in the nuclear fission process and the heat transport system, by containing and supporting fuel bundles in the reactor.

A fuel channel is made of:

  • a zirconium pressure tube,
  • two stainless steel end fittings, and
  • four annulus spacers.

Annulus spacers play a crucial role in maintaining the necessary gap between the pressure tube and calandria tube.

Fuel channels are assembled in a climate and foreign material-controlled clean room, then serialized into kits specific to their lattice site location (reactor face bore) for delivery to the vault.

Did you know?

Fuel channels are assembled in a climate- and foreign material-controlled clean room, and then serialized into specific kits based on their installation location in the reactor before they’re delivered to the vault.

Feeder replacement

Workers then replace the feeders, which carry the primary coolant required to cool nuclear fuel and transfer the heat in large boilers to create high-pressure steam.

There are 960 upper and 960 lower feeders, which follow complex pathways to the header they’re welded to. The longest feeders require an additional middle section or they wouldn’t fit inside the vault.

With all of these components replaced, the final steps involve filling the moderator and loading new fuel into the reactor.

Getting ready to power up

After OPG’s refurbishment team has installed the final components and checked all systems, they begin the necessary steps to power up a newly refurbished reactor and return it to commercial service.

The Return to Service program is central to this phase, leading the refurbishment of a nuclear unit through many critical steps – from construction, to restoration, to full-power operation.

Along the way, workers refill the moderator with heavy water, load fuel into the fuel assemblies in the reactor core, and fill and pressurize the heat transport system.

With all of this complete, the nuclear fission process is started and the unit begins to warm up. Workers restore containment and then begin reconnecting the unit to the rest of the operating station.

The goal now is for the unit to achieve criticality – its normal reactor operating condition when nuclear fuel sustains a fission chain reaction.

After final high power testing, control room operators gradually raise the unit to full-power operation when it will once again provide Ontario with clean, low-cost, and reliable energy for at least another 30 years or more.

Refurbishment timeline

Project Status: UnderwayStart Date: February 2022Expected Completion: Q4 2024
Project Status: CompleteStart Date: October 2016Expected Completion: June 2020
Project Status: CompleteStart Date: September 2020Expected Completion: July 2023
Project Status: UnderwayStart Date: July 2023Expected Completion: Q4 2026
Shut down
First segment
Breaker open
Shutting down the reactor and disconnecting it from Ontario's power grid.
Refurbishment timeline
Breaker open
Shutting down the reactor and disconnecting it from Ontario's power grid.

Following years of detailed planning, approvals and preparations, the Darlington Refurbishment Project team carries out the first major step in project execution: Shutting down the reactor and disconnecting it from the power grid. This is done through a process also known as ‘breaker open,” which involves cooling the reactor and stopping nuclear fission in accordance with Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission regulations and operational procedures.

Workers at a GE plant in Poland prepare a massive generator stator for shipment to Darlington Nuclear.
Workers at a GE plant in Poland prepare a massive generator stator for shipment to Darlington Nuclear.
Removing fuel and heavy water from the reactor.
Refurbishment timeline
Removing fuel and heavy water from the reactor.

Now that the reactor has been safely shut down and the reactor disconnected, workers use remote-controlled tooling to remove 6,240 fuel bundles from the unit and place them in water-filled fuel bays for up to ten years of safe storage. Once the fuel has been removed, workers drain heavy water from the reactor and the heat transport system, then store, clean and purify it before pumping it back in, after unit reassembly.

Safely separating the shutdown reactor from the operating plant.
Refurbishment timeline
Safely separating the shutdown reactor from the operating plant.

With the fuel and heavy water removed, the unit undergoing refurbishment must be separated from the operating plant. This is done through a process known as Islanding, whereby workers disconnect equipment and put physical barriers in place.

Islanding allows the unit to be refurbished safely and efficiently while limiting impact on the operating units and rest of the station.

Containment pressure testing
Confirming the safe separation of the shutdown unit from the operating plant.
Refurbishment timeline
Containment pressure testing
Confirming the safe separation of the shutdown unit from the operating plant.

Workers perform a containment pressure test at this stage to confirm that the disconnected unit has been safely and completely isolated from the rest of the operating plant.

This process involves raising the pressure in the unit to ensure that any contamination is contained.

Feeder removal
Removing all 960 feeder tubes from the reactor.
Refurbishment timeline
Feeder removal
Removing all 960 feeder tubes from the reactor.

After opening the airlocks to allow for the free movement of materials and equipment, workers remove 960 feeder tubes from the reactor.

Feeder tubes carry heated heavy water to boilers and return the water back to the reactor for reheating.

Removal of the feeders is the first step in the disassembly of
the unit, and sets the stage for replacement of parts.

Fuel channel removal
Removing all 480 fuel channels from the reactor.
Refurbishment timeline
Fuel channel removal
Removing all 480 fuel channels from the reactor.

Fuel channels are made of several components: a pressure tube, two stainless steel end-fittings and annulus spacers, which separate the pressure tube from the calandria tubes, preventing them from touching.

Once all end fittings have been taken out, workers remove all 480 pressure tubes through a process that involves these of engineered tooling mounted on a massive Re-tube Tooling Platform, inside the vault.

Calandria tube removal
Removing all 480 calandria tubes from the reactor.
Refurbishment timeline
Calandria tube removal
Removing all 480 calandria tubes from the reactor.

A calandria tube is a long cylindrical tube made of zirconium that surrounds the pressure tube and forms a leak tight seal of the calandria vessel – the heart of the reactor.

A Darlington CANDU reactor contains 480 calandria tubes, which are removed using specialized tooling, which workers operate remotely and transport in protective flasks to OPG’s Re-tube Waste Processing Building for storage preparation.

Calandria tube installation
Inspecting and cleaning the calandria vessel then installing all 480 calandria tubes inside the reactor.
Refurbishment timeline
Calandria tube installation
Inspecting and cleaning the calandria vessel then installing all 480 calandria tubes inside the reactor.

With all the reactor components removed, workers carefully clean and inspect the calandria vessel to ensure materials show no degradation.

Once this process is complete, workers install 480 new calandria tubes inside the reactor.

Workers complete much of this work manually and directly on the face of the reactor, with direction provided by operators in our Re-tube Control Centre.

After installation, inspection and testing, workers reattach the bellows assemblies, which allow for any movement of pressure tubes and calandria tubes, caused by temperature changes.

Fuel channel installation
Assembling 480 fuel channels in clean rooms then installing them inside the reactor.
Refurbishment timeline
Fuel channel installation
Assembling 480 fuel channels in clean rooms then installing them inside the reactor.

Fuel channels are made of several sub-components: a pressure tube, two stainless steel end-fittings and annulus spacers.

The reactor’s 480 fuel channels are critical parts of the heat transport system, which hold the reactor’s fuel bundles.

At this stage, workers pre-assemble the fuel channels in a climate- and foreign material-controlled clean room then prepare them for delivery to the vault for installation.

Feeder installation
Installing all 960 feeder tubes prior to filling the moderator system.
Refurbishment timeline
Feeder installation
Installing all 960 feeder tubes prior to filling the moderator system.

Each of the reactor’s 960 feeder tubes is unique in shape, size and length, and these new components are delivered in three sections: upper, middle and lower. Because of their unique composition, installing them inside the reactor is a process similar to putting together a puzzle.

Starting with upper section, workers install feeder tubes, making their way down to the lower section, where the feeder tubes are attached to end fittings.

Once this work is complete and regulatory approval received, the project team fills the moderator with clean heavy water and prepares to load the reactor with new fuel.

Power up
Fuel load
Loading 6,240 fuel bundles into the reactor’s fuel channels.
Refurbishment timeline
Fuel load
Loading 6,240 fuel bundles into the reactor’s fuel channels.

At this stage, workers refill the moderator with heavy water, load each of the 6,240 fuel bundles into the fuel channels, then fill and pressurize the heat transport system.

A fuel bundle contains natural uranium in the form of ceramic pellets.

Containment restored
Confirming the containment of the unit has been restored then removing tooling and physical barriers.
Refurbishment timeline
Containment restored
Confirming the containment of the unit has been restored then removing tooling and physical barriers.

Unit containment is restored once we’ve removed all tooling, including the Re-Tube Tooling Platform, needed to perform refurbishment; the airlocks have been closed; the physical barriers removed from inside the vault; and the 59 key systems have been returned to service.

Operators in the Re-Tube Control Centre can then begin the process of achieving first criticality, which means sustaining the chain reaction of splitting atoms and releasing heat.

Breaker close
Reconnecting the reactor to Ontario’s power grid following rounds of inspections and approvals.
Refurbishment timeline
Breaker close
Reconnecting the reactor to Ontario’s power grid following rounds of inspections and approvals.

Throughout refurbishment, the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission carries out inspections and grants approvals for the project to progress from one milestone to the next. At this stage, the CNSC continues this oversight, confirming the newly refurbished unit can be operated safely and granting approval for the reactor to be gradually brought back to full power and reconnected to Ontario’s power grid.

Shut down
Before disassembling a CANDU® reactor, workers must disconnect it from the power grid. But shutting down the unit is not just a matter of pulling a plug. Workers must remove fuel and heavy water, and isolate the unit from the rest of the station.
Breaker open
Shutting down the reactor and disconnecting it from Ontario's power grid.
Refurbishment timeline
Breaker open
Shutting down the reactor and disconnecting it from Ontario's power grid.

Following years of detailed planning, approvals and preparations, the Darlington Refurbishment Project team carries out the first major step in project execution: Shutting down the reactor and disconnecting it from the power grid. This is done through a process also known as ‘breaker open,” which involves cooling the reactor and stopping nuclear fission in accordance with Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission regulations and operational procedures.

Removing fuel and heavy water from the reactor.
Refurbishment timeline
Removing fuel and heavy water from the reactor.

Now that the reactor has been safely shut down and the reactor disconnected, workers use remote-controlled tooling to remove 6,240 fuel bundles from the unit and place them in water-filled fuel bays for up to ten years of safe storage. Once the fuel has been removed, workers drain heavy water from the reactor and the heat transport system, then store, clean and purify it before pumping it back in, after unit reassembly.

Safely separating the shutdown reactor from the operating plant.
Refurbishment timeline
Safely separating the shutdown reactor from the operating plant.

With the fuel and heavy water removed, the unit undergoing refurbishment must be separated from the operating plant. This is done through a process known as Islanding, whereby workers disconnect equipment and put physical barriers in place.

Islanding allows the unit to be refurbished safely and efficiently while limiting impact on the operating units and rest of the station.

Containment pressure testing
Confirming the safe separation of the shutdown unit from the operating plant.
Refurbishment timeline
Containment pressure testing
Confirming the safe separation of the shutdown unit from the operating plant.

Workers perform a containment pressure test at this stage to confirm that the disconnected unit has been safely and completely isolated from the rest of the operating plant.

This process involves raising the pressure in the unit to ensure that any contamination is contained.

Taking a reactor apart is a complex job that includes removing, storing or replacing thousands of critical components. With our project partners, skilled tradespeople and nuclear professionals, we’re safely disassembling our reactors one at a time.
First segment
Feeder removal
Removing all 960 feeder tubes from the reactor.
Refurbishment timeline
Feeder removal
Removing all 960 feeder tubes from the reactor.

After opening the airlocks to allow for the free movement of materials and equipment, workers remove 960 feeder tubes from the reactor.

Feeder tubes carry heated heavy water to boilers and return the water back to the reactor for reheating.

Removal of the feeders is the first step in the disassembly of
the unit, and sets the stage for replacement of parts.

Fuel channel removal
Removing all 480 fuel channels from the reactor.
Refurbishment timeline
Fuel channel removal
Removing all 480 fuel channels from the reactor.

Fuel channels are made of several components: a pressure tube, two stainless steel end-fittings and annulus spacers, which separate the pressure tube from the calandria tubes, preventing them from touching.

Once all end fittings have been taken out, workers remove all 480 pressure tubes through a process that involves these of engineered tooling mounted on a massive Re-tube Tooling Platform, inside the vault.

First segment
Calandria tube removal
Removing all 480 calandria tubes from the reactor.
Refurbishment timeline
Calandria tube removal
Removing all 480 calandria tubes from the reactor.

A calandria tube is a long cylindrical tube made of zirconium that surrounds the pressure tube and forms a leak tight seal of the calandria vessel – the heart of the reactor.

A Darlington CANDU reactor contains 480 calandria tubes, which are removed using specialized tooling, which workers operate remotely and transport in protective flasks to OPG’s Re-tube Waste Processing Building for storage preparation.

Putting the reactor back together requires quality, precision workmanship on every task. Rebuilding involves inspecting, cleaning and installing thousands of components to ensure the unit’s safe and efficient operation for at least another 30 years.
First segment
Calandria tube installation
Inspecting and cleaning the calandria vessel then installing all 480 calandria tubes inside the reactor.
Refurbishment timeline
Calandria tube installation
Inspecting and cleaning the calandria vessel then installing all 480 calandria tubes inside the reactor.

With all the reactor components removed, workers carefully clean and inspect the calandria vessel to ensure materials show no degradation.

Once this process is complete, workers install 480 new calandria tubes inside the reactor.

Workers complete much of this work manually and directly on the face of the reactor, with direction provided by operators in our Re-tube Control Centre.

After installation, inspection and testing, workers reattach the bellows assemblies, which allow for any movement of pressure tubes and calandria tubes, caused by temperature changes.

First segment
Fuel channel installation
Assembling 480 fuel channels in clean rooms then installing them inside the reactor.
Refurbishment timeline
Fuel channel installation
Assembling 480 fuel channels in clean rooms then installing them inside the reactor.

Fuel channels are made of several sub-components: a pressure tube, two stainless steel end-fittings and annulus spacers.

The reactor’s 480 fuel channels are critical parts of the heat transport system, which hold the reactor’s fuel bundles.

At this stage, workers pre-assemble the fuel channels in a climate- and foreign material-controlled clean room then prepare them for delivery to the vault for installation.

First segment
Feeder installation
Installing all 960 feeder tubes prior to filling the moderator system.
Refurbishment timeline
Feeder installation
Installing all 960 feeder tubes prior to filling the moderator system.

Each of the reactor’s 960 feeder tubes is unique in shape, size and length, and these new components are delivered in three sections: upper, middle and lower. Because of their unique composition, installing them inside the reactor is a process similar to putting together a puzzle.

Starting with upper section, workers install feeder tubes, making their way down to the lower section, where the feeder tubes are attached to end fittings.

Once this work is complete and regulatory approval received, the project team fills the moderator with clean heavy water and prepares to load the reactor with new fuel.

Power up
Restarting a reactor is a process that involves a number of step-by-step approvals to confirm the quality of work and to ensure that equipment, systems, operating procedures and trained staff are ready to proceed with the start-up process.
Fuel load
Loading 6,240 fuel bundles into the reactor’s fuel channels.
Refurbishment timeline
Fuel load
Loading 6,240 fuel bundles into the reactor’s fuel channels.

At this stage, workers refill the moderator with heavy water, load each of the 6,240 fuel bundles into the fuel channels, then fill and pressurize the heat transport system.

A fuel bundle contains natural uranium in the form of ceramic pellets.

Containment restored
Confirming the containment of the unit has been restored then removing tooling and physical barriers.
Refurbishment timeline
Containment restored
Confirming the containment of the unit has been restored then removing tooling and physical barriers.

Unit containment is restored once we’ve removed all tooling, including the Re-Tube Tooling Platform, needed to perform refurbishment; the airlocks have been closed; the physical barriers removed from inside the vault; and the 59 key systems have been returned to service.

Operators in the Re-Tube Control Centre can then begin the process of achieving first criticality, which means sustaining the chain reaction of splitting atoms and releasing heat.

Breaker close
Reconnecting the reactor to Ontario’s power grid following rounds of inspections and approvals.
Refurbishment timeline
Breaker close
Reconnecting the reactor to Ontario’s power grid following rounds of inspections and approvals.

Throughout refurbishment, the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission carries out inspections and grants approvals for the project to progress from one milestone to the next. At this stage, the CNSC continues this oversight, confirming the newly refurbished unit can be operated safely and granting approval for the reactor to be gradually brought back to full power and reconnected to Ontario’s power grid.

Shut down
Breaker open
Shutting down the reactor and disconnecting it from Ontario's power grid.
Refurbishment timeline
Breaker open
Shutting down the reactor and disconnecting it from Ontario's power grid.

Following years of detailed planning, approvals and preparations, the Darlington Refurbishment Project team carries out the first major step in project execution: Shutting down the reactor and disconnecting it from the power grid. This is done through a process also known as ‘breaker open,” which involves cooling the reactor and stopping nuclear fission in accordance with Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission regulations and operational procedures.

Removing fuel and heavy water from the reactor.
Refurbishment timeline
Removing fuel and heavy water from the reactor.

Now that the reactor has been safely shut down and the reactor disconnected, workers use remote-controlled tooling to remove 6,240 fuel bundles from the unit and place them in water-filled fuel bays for up to ten years of safe storage. Once the fuel has been removed, workers drain heavy water from the reactor and the heat transport system, then store, clean and purify it before pumping it back in, after unit reassembly.

Safely separating the shutdown reactor from the operating plant.
Refurbishment timeline
Safely separating the shutdown reactor from the operating plant.

With the fuel and heavy water removed, the unit undergoing refurbishment must be separated from the operating plant. This is done through a process known as Islanding, whereby workers disconnect equipment and put physical barriers in place.

Islanding allows the unit to be refurbished safely and efficiently while limiting impact on the operating units and rest of the station.

Containment pressure testing
Confirming the safe separation of the shutdown unit from the operating plant.
Refurbishment timeline
Containment pressure testing
Confirming the safe separation of the shutdown unit from the operating plant.

Workers perform a containment pressure test at this stage to confirm that the disconnected unit has been safely and completely isolated from the rest of the operating plant.

This process involves raising the pressure in the unit to ensure that any contamination is contained.

First segment
Feeder removal
Removing all 960 feeder tubes from the reactor.
Refurbishment timeline
Feeder removal
Removing all 960 feeder tubes from the reactor.

After opening the airlocks to allow for the free movement of materials and equipment, workers remove 960 feeder tubes from the reactor.

Feeder tubes carry heated heavy water to boilers and return the water back to the reactor for reheating.

Removal of the feeders is the first step in the disassembly of
the unit, and sets the stage for replacement of parts.

Fuel channel removal
Removing all 480 fuel channels from the reactor.
Refurbishment timeline
Fuel channel removal
Removing all 480 fuel channels from the reactor.

Fuel channels are made of several components: a pressure tube, two stainless steel end-fittings and annulus spacers, which separate the pressure tube from the calandria tubes, preventing them from touching.

Once all end fittings have been taken out, workers remove all 480 pressure tubes through a process that involves these of engineered tooling mounted on a massive Re-tube Tooling Platform, inside the vault.

First segment
Calandria tube removal
Removing all 480 calandria tubes from the reactor.
Refurbishment timeline
Calandria tube removal
Removing all 480 calandria tubes from the reactor.

A calandria tube is a long cylindrical tube made of zirconium that surrounds the pressure tube and forms a leak tight seal of the calandria vessel – the heart of the reactor.

A Darlington CANDU reactor contains 480 calandria tubes, which are removed using specialized tooling, which workers operate remotely and transport in protective flasks to OPG’s Re-tube Waste Processing Building for storage preparation.

First segment
Calandria tube installation
Inspecting and cleaning the calandria vessel then installing all 480 calandria tubes inside the reactor.
Refurbishment timeline
Calandria tube installation
Inspecting and cleaning the calandria vessel then installing all 480 calandria tubes inside the reactor.

With all the reactor components removed, workers carefully clean and inspect the calandria vessel to ensure materials show no degradation.

Once this process is complete, workers install 480 new calandria tubes inside the reactor.

Workers complete much of this work manually and directly on the face of the reactor, with direction provided by operators in our Re-tube Control Centre.

After installation, inspection and testing, workers reattach the bellows assemblies, which allow for any movement of pressure tubes and calandria tubes, caused by temperature changes.

First segment
Fuel channel installation
Assembling 480 fuel channels in clean rooms then installing them inside the reactor.
Refurbishment timeline
Fuel channel installation
Assembling 480 fuel channels in clean rooms then installing them inside the reactor.

Fuel channels are made of several sub-components: a pressure tube, two stainless steel end-fittings and annulus spacers.

The reactor’s 480 fuel channels are critical parts of the heat transport system, which hold the reactor’s fuel bundles.

At this stage, workers pre-assemble the fuel channels in a climate- and foreign material-controlled clean room then prepare them for delivery to the vault for installation.

First segment
Feeder installation
Installing all 960 feeder tubes prior to filling the moderator system.
Refurbishment timeline
Feeder installation
Installing all 960 feeder tubes prior to filling the moderator system.

Each of the reactor’s 960 feeder tubes is unique in shape, size and length, and these new components are delivered in three sections: upper, middle and lower. Because of their unique composition, installing them inside the reactor is a process similar to putting together a puzzle.

Starting with upper section, workers install feeder tubes, making their way down to the lower section, where the feeder tubes are attached to end fittings.

Once this work is complete and regulatory approval received, the project team fills the moderator with clean heavy water and prepares to load the reactor with new fuel.

Power Up
Fuel load
Loading 6,240 fuel bundles into the reactor’s fuel channels.
Refurbishment timeline
Fuel load
Loading 6,240 fuel bundles into the reactor’s fuel channels.

At this stage, workers refill the moderator with heavy water, load each of the 6,240 fuel bundles into the fuel channels, then fill and pressurize the heat transport system.

A fuel bundle contains natural uranium in the form of ceramic pellets.

Containment restored
Confirming the containment of the unit has been restored then removing tooling and physical barriers.
Refurbishment timeline
Containment restored
Confirming the containment of the unit has been restored then removing tooling and physical barriers.

Unit containment is restored once we’ve removed all tooling, including the Re-Tube Tooling Platform, needed to perform refurbishment; the airlocks have been closed; the physical barriers removed from inside the vault; and the 59 key systems have been returned to service.

Operators in the Re-Tube Control Centre can then begin the process of achieving first criticality, which means sustaining the chain reaction of splitting atoms and releasing heat.

Breaker close
Reconnecting the reactor to Ontario’s power grid following rounds of inspections and approvals.
Refurbishment timeline
Breaker close
Reconnecting the reactor to Ontario’s power grid following rounds of inspections and approvals.

Throughout refurbishment, the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission carries out inspections and grants approvals for the project to progress from one milestone to the next. At this stage, the CNSC continues this oversight, confirming the newly refurbished unit can be operated safely and granting approval for the reactor to be gradually brought back to full power and reconnected to Ontario’s power grid.

Shut down
Breaker open
Shutting down the reactor and disconnecting it from Ontario's power grid.
Refurbishment timeline
Breaker open
Shutting down the reactor and disconnecting it from Ontario's power grid.

Following years of detailed planning, approvals and preparations, the Darlington Refurbishment Project team carries out the first major step in project execution: Shutting down the reactor and disconnecting it from the power grid. This is done through a process also known as ‘breaker open,” which involves cooling the reactor and stopping nuclear fission in accordance with Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission regulations and operational procedures.

Removing fuel and heavy water from the reactor.
Refurbishment timeline
Removing fuel and heavy water from the reactor.

Now that the reactor has been safely shut down and the reactor disconnected, workers use remote-controlled tooling to remove 6,240 fuel bundles from the unit and place them in water-filled fuel bays for up to ten years of safe storage. Once the fuel has been removed, workers drain heavy water from the reactor and the heat transport system, then store, clean and purify it before pumping it back in, after unit reassembly.

Safely separating the shutdown reactor from the operating plant.
Refurbishment timeline
Safely separating the shutdown reactor from the operating plant.

With the fuel and heavy water removed, the unit undergoing refurbishment must be separated from the operating plant. This is done through a process known as Islanding, whereby workers disconnect equipment and put physical barriers in place.

Islanding allows the unit to be refurbished safely and efficiently while limiting impact on the operating units and rest of the station.

Containment pressure testing
Confirming the safe separation of the shutdown unit from the operating plant.
Refurbishment timeline
Containment pressure testing
Confirming the safe separation of the shutdown unit from the operating plant.

Workers perform a containment pressure test at this stage to confirm that the disconnected unit has been safely and completely isolated from the rest of the operating plant.

This process involves raising the pressure in the unit to ensure that any contamination is contained.

Feeder removal
Removing all 960 feeder tubes from the reactor.
Refurbishment timeline
Feeder removal
Removing all 960 feeder tubes from the reactor.

After opening the airlocks to allow for the free movement of materials and equipment, workers remove 960 feeder tubes from the reactor.

Feeder tubes carry heated heavy water to boilers and return the water back to the reactor for reheating.

Removal of the feeders is the first step in the disassembly of
the unit, and sets the stage for replacement of parts.

Endfitting removal
Removing all 960 endfittings from the reactor fuel channels.
Refurbishment timeline
Endfitting removal
Removing all 960 endfittings from the reactor fuel channels.

Each of the 480 fuel channels are made of the following components: two stainless steel endfittings on each side of the reactor vessel, an 8-metre pressure tube running the full length inside the reactor, and several annulus spacers wrapped around each pressure, tube preventing contact with the surrounding calandria tube.

The 960 endfittings are carefully severed at the face of the reactor, transported to a special reactor component processing facility and stored in shielded containers at a secure onsite storage building.

Calandria tube (CT) and Pressure tube (PT) removal
Simultaneously remove all 480 CT-PT from the reactor; final step of fuel channel removal.
Refurbishment timeline
Calandria tube (CT) and Pressure tube (PT) removal
Simultaneously remove all 480 CT-PT from the reactor; final step of fuel channel removal.

A calandria tube is a long cylindrical tube made of zirconium that surrounds the pressure tube and forms a leak tight seal of the calandria vessel – the heart of the reactor.

Once all endfittings have been taken out, workers remove the 480 calandria tube-pressure tube pairs together through a process that involves unique engineered and remotely-operated tooling mounted on a massive Retube Tooling Platform inside the vault, and then placed into protective flasks and transport in protective flasks to OPG’s Re-tube Waste Processing Building for storage preparation.

Calandria tube installation
Inspecting and cleaning the calandria vessel then installing all 480 calandria tubes inside the reactor.
Refurbishment timeline
Calandria tube installation
Inspecting and cleaning the calandria vessel then installing all 480 calandria tubes inside the reactor.

With all the reactor components removed, workers carefully clean and inspect the calandria vessel to ensure materials show no degradation.

Once this process is complete, workers install 480 new calandria tubes inside the reactor.

Workers complete much of this work manually and directly on the face of the reactor, with direction provided by operators in our Re-tube Control Centre.

After installation, inspection and testing, workers reattach the bellows assemblies, which allow for any movement of pressure tubes and calandria tubes, caused by temperature changes.

Fuel channel installation
Assembling 480 fuel channels in clean rooms then installing them inside the reactor.
Refurbishment timeline
Fuel channel installation
Assembling 480 fuel channels in clean rooms then installing them inside the reactor.

Fuel channels are made of several sub-components: a pressure tube, two stainless steel end-fittings and annulus spacers.

The reactor’s 480 fuel channels are critical parts of the heat transport system, which hold the reactor’s fuel bundles.

At this stage, workers pre-assemble the fuel channels in a climate- and foreign material-controlled clean room then prepare them for delivery to the vault for installation.

Feeder installation
Installing all 960 feeder tubes prior to filling the moderator system.
Refurbishment timeline
Feeder installation
Installing all 960 feeder tubes prior to filling the moderator system.

Each of the reactor’s 960 feeder tubes is unique in shape, size and length, and these new components are delivered in three sections: upper, middle and lower. Because of their unique composition, installing them inside the reactor is a process similar to putting together a puzzle.

Starting with upper section, workers install feeder tubes, making their way down to the lower section, where the feeder tubes are attached to end fittings.

Once this work is complete and regulatory approval received, the project team fills the moderator with clean heavy water and prepares to load the reactor with new fuel.

Power Up
Fuel load
Loading 6,240 fuel bundles into the reactor’s fuel channels.
Refurbishment timeline
Fuel load
Loading 6,240 fuel bundles into the reactor’s fuel channels.

At this stage, workers refill the moderator with heavy water, load each of the 6,240 fuel bundles into the fuel channels, then fill and pressurize the heat transport system.

A fuel bundle contains natural uranium in the form of ceramic pellets.

Containment restored
Confirming the containment of the unit has been restored then removing tooling and physical barriers.
Refurbishment timeline
Containment restored
Confirming the containment of the unit has been restored then removing tooling and physical barriers.

Unit containment is restored once we’ve removed all tooling, including the Re-Tube Tooling Platform, needed to perform refurbishment; the airlocks have been closed; the physical barriers removed from inside the vault; and the 59 key systems have been returned to service.

Operators in the Re-Tube Control Centre can then begin the process of achieving first criticality, which means sustaining the chain reaction of splitting atoms and releasing heat.

Breaker close
Reconnecting the reactor to Ontario’s power grid following rounds of inspections and approvals.
Refurbishment timeline
Breaker close
Reconnecting the reactor to Ontario’s power grid following rounds of inspections and approvals.

Throughout refurbishment, the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission carries out inspections and grants approvals for the project to progress from one milestone to the next. At this stage, the CNSC continues this oversight, confirming the newly refurbished unit can be operated safely and granting approval for the reactor to be gradually brought back to full power and reconnected to Ontario’s power grid.

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